Founded in 2007 in Belo Horizonte, Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe proposes philosophical, social and political discussions in its shows, performances and pedagogical actions through the use of puppets. The group has performed in several countries with works that subvert stereotypes related to the theatre of animated forms to provoke the public about issues related to power and submission. The use of giant puppets has, for Pygmalion, the power to attract and bring people together in an incomparably efficient way.
The shows

The perception we have of a nation is nourished by images, ideas that are continually sent to us, sometimes distorted. "Brasil" approach the issue of the other, of the foreign gaze, drawing the viewer's attention and inviting him to let himself collide with his own representations.
Genre: Direct manipulation
Playing Space: Italian stage (black box)
Ages: more than 14
Language: french, Portuguese (with subtitle)
Length of performance: 60 minutes
Traveling Company: 9 people ( 8 actors / manipulators and 1 technician)
Scenery and puppets: deal with the group

Macunaïma Gourmet is an update freely inspired of a masterpiece from Brazilian Modernist literature, “Macunaíma, a hero without a character” written by Mário de Andrade. In the original story, with the hero borrowed from indigenous myth, he travels through a Brazil of contrasts: folklore, poverty, richness, traditional , luxury, exotism, absurdity. But here and now Macunaïma is gourmet! In a mix of techniques, references, languages, images, puppets, masks and actors the spectacle shows how much the Brazilian people meat costs. Brazil sold in pieces. A society in turmoil where consumerism is confused with well being. Brazil as a metaphor of power relations. A striking and colorful universe of grotesque, cannibalism and poetry.
Language: Portuguese with subtitles
Age group: 16 years
Genre: String Puppets, Direct Manipulation, Giants - show for stage
Duration: 80 minutes.

The humans world is threatened by a huge infestation of strange rats. What people do not know is that behind the apparent fragility and submision of these creatures, hides a organized structure, smart and stubborn. And what the rats do not know is that the humans also have their secrets beyond the social masks.
Language: No text
Age group: 14 years
Show for stage
Duration: 60 minutes

The moment a flash reveals beyond superficiality. Shows the fragile structure behind this perfect image. Secrets posts to the ground. Suspension time. Each of its members expose their most intimate and secret desires. All are mirrors. All together. A family gathering in which reality, the simulacrum and delirium are confronted in a more than true picture.
Language: No text
Age group: 16 years
Show for stage
Duration: 60 minutes

Certain to be a family, the components of this picture pose now automatically immortalized. A young couple with two children. At the moment is enought just observe them individually, all analyzes that will be made on each of them will clear the comprehension of the whole which they form.
Language: No text
Age group: 16 years
Genre: Directed Manipulation - show for stage
Duration: 15 minutes (short scene).

A Filosofia na Alcova (La Philosophie dans le boudoir) is an adaptation, for puppet theatre, of the Marquis de Sade’s namesake book. In the play, it is used a particular manipulation technique, that enables marionettes to move precisely and realistically. This technique is unprecedented in Brazil, being used just in few countries. On stage, there are six performers, that not only manipulate the puppets but also interact with them. They perform the story about the young and pretty Eugénie’s sexual education, under the principles and views of her unique masters Saint-Ange and Dolmancé. Interweaving philosophic speeches about sexuality, religion and social customs, arguing for the individual pleasure above any rule or law, the depraved girls’ masters push the boundries of their teaching.
A Filosofia na Alcova invites the audience to a reflective experience, combining humor, sensuality, terror and pity; all of this, searching for theatres’ most important function: it’s catharsis.
Language: Portuguese with subtitles
Age group: 18 years
Genre: String Puppets - show for stage
Duration: 80 minutes.

Seu Geraldo is a friendly and irreverent guitarist who spends his life traveling, singing and telling stories to the audience. He is an old man from Minas Gerais, with a singular figure. He performs his show with his girlfriend, Dona Catarina, and his sister, Ana, by his side. The three old masters bring out old songs and their repertoire choices are always surprising. They kindly invite their audience into the conversation where stories are never lacking.
It’s a musical show with puppets created by puppeteer Eduardo Felix, who found inspiration for his creation in his homeland, the small Crucilândia, located in Minas Gerais. The interpreter and manipulator of the characters improvises to create an atmosphere of direct communication with the audience. The puppets, although extremely complex, appear to be really tiny people who live in a miniature world.
“Seu Geraldo: Voz e Violão” is a musical show with a popular range that creates an atmosphere of warmth and direct communication with the audience. The freshness of improvisation makes the interaction with the public easy and comfortable. This show will bring out memories with its repertoire that touches all ages.
Language: Portuguese, English, French, Italian or Spanish.
Age group: Free
Genre: String Puppet - show for stage or street
Duration: 45 to 60 minutes, depending on audience interaction. No intervals.
workshops, more informations:
Address: Rua Pouso Alegre, 155 - Floresta
Belo Horizonte/MG - Brasil
CEP: 31110-010
E-mail: grupopigmaliao@gmail.com
No matter the place, no matter who is there. Bira and Bede, twin sisters identical in appearance but opposite in personality, seem to be waiting for something or someone that never comes up. Already in old age they walk around the city looking and inventing activities to fill the time of everyday. The interaction with the audience comes sometimes as a relief, sometimes as a protest of their inability to be separated, required by the custom to be always tighether . But despite their uninviting looks and their huge statures, they strive to join the multitude.
Language: No text
Age group: All ages
Duration: 30 min (the intervention can be repeated by negotiation).
Genre: Habitable Puppet – show for street and alternative spaces